You rolled a Nat 20 on persuasion, we'll tell you whatever you want! If you don't see the answer you're looking for, contact us!
Why are you doing this?
The wide world of soaps didn't have much geared towards this community and we wanted to change that.
Why isn't the soap shaped like a d20?
Standard bars are easier to produce, store, ship, and even to use; they don't turn into slippery spheres after a few showers.
Why don't the soaps have dice in them?
We would never want to step on a d4 in the shower, and wouldn't wish that on anyone.
Plus there's more soap in your bar in it's not full of dice!
Where is this made?
Handmade in North Carolina
What do you mean when you when you say "formulated for humans"?
This is kind of a joke pointed at all of the brands out there that are "formulated for men". We wanted to let people know that who or whatever you are, we're happy to serve you.
What is the "magic" on some of the ingredient lists?
That would be fragrance. If it is not a certified natural fragrance or essential oil, it is labeled as magic. Other than that, there is no difference in the formulations, and the magic products are "nearly natural", for lack of a better term.
Setting Dungeon Soap up, we saw a lot of companies selling "all natural products" that were scented with fragrance, which we feel is a bit dishonest.
What do I do if I still have questions?
Contact us here!